Monday, March 16, 2020

3rd Quarter Ceramics I 2020

Hey all. I haven't actually updated this in quite some time, but given the current class situation and the fact that it may be some time before you can see students' work I wanted to get it up here.

Ocarinas- These are the first projects of the semester. They are made my pinching clay into 2 semi-spheres and attaching them to make a hollow sphere. The shape is flattened on the bottom and then a piece is added on to create a mouthpiece. Students must carefully create a fluted airway to enable the ocarina to make sound (because it basically is a type of flute). Then they alter the pieces to create more artistic forms. Works are fired and then glazed and fired again, and these are the finished works.
Jonathan Armbrust

Andrew Filby

Teigan Franjesh

Michael Fuss

Taylor Gallagher

Emmanuel Israel

Ariana Mahoney

Cassidy McCarthy

Madison Mordarski

Hannah Schill

Prince Smith

Molly Strah

Autumn Turman

Next, students did coil pots with a new twist this year...sgrafitto. Students were to create a coil pot that was at least 7 inches tall. Some ended up going wider rather than tall as you will see, not always intentionally ; ). After the initial construction was done, but before the pieces were fired students painted the pieces with under glaze or colored slips and then carved back through to the red clay. This process is called sgrafitto, meaning to scratch. Pieces were then fired, covered with clear glaze, then put back in the kiln for a final firing.

Jonathan Armbrust

David (Trip) Duryea

Andrew Filby

Teigan Franjesh

Michael Fuss

Taylor Gallagher

Emmauel Israel

Ariana Mahoney

Cassidy McCarthy

Madison Mordarski

Hannah Schill

Prince Smith

Molly Strah

Autumn Turman

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